Monday 20 April 2009

Week 1 - smingl

A year ago, I had an idea for a business. I mulled it over, talked myself out of it a couple of times and sidelined it for better times. But the better times didn't come - in fact, as we all know, things just got worse and worse from April 2008 onwards. So one morning I woke up and made a DECISION. Spend my rainy day money / my hard earned capital /my mortgage reduction fund / my pension and give it a go. I figured it would take me a few months to get a site designed and built and I'd be up and running by Christmas. Err ... Christmas 2008. So here I am in April 2009 and quite a lot has happened. I'll save all that for another post but the summary is it took a long time, there were a lot of pitfalls and stuff didn't work out the way I thought it would. But this week, I'm ready to test the site with a couple of my friends. So I decided to write this blog - a warts and all account from launch to err ... float? failure? and see where it takes me. I'll be updating this blog with any major developments and letting you know how it feels to watch your life savings pinned to a few giant underwater cables connecting the networked world.

Week 1 - here goes!!